Wednesday, June 29, 2016

7 Steps on How to Measure a Crisis

This past week in my reading of "Measure What Matters", I found some interesting information on how to measure a crisis. Of course, no business or company wants to have to deal with a crisis but the reality is that a crisis will most likely happen at some point. A crisis is like that inevitable event that you hate thinking about but need to have a plan for just in case it happens. For example, we would like to think that a tornado won't hit our house but we need to be prepared in case one does. Always be prepared for the worst possible situation to happen.

Here is a brief description of the 7 steps on how to measure a crisis:

1. Define a Specific Desired Outcome from the Crisis:
  • Getting through a crisis is the first outcome that should be desired but you also have to think about what is an "okay" outcome for your brand. Is a 10-20% drop in sales manageable for your brand? These are questions that need to be answered once the crisis hits.
2. Define Your Audiences and What You Want Your Relationship to Be with Each One:          
  • Another topic that should be discussed are all your relationships with your audiences. There should be discussion on how good and bad relationships with each of your audiences could affect your brand in the time of crisis. You should also prioritize each audience so you know which ones should be given the most consideration.
3. Define Your Benchmark:
  • A good way to measure your crisis is to see how it stacks up compared to others that are happening. Compare your crisis with a few others locally and see if your coverage is more positive or negative.
4. Define Your Measurement Criteria:
  • Go back to when you listed the good and bad relationships with each of your audiences. Now list the benefits of all the good relationships you have with a certain audience. This will help you to set criteria on how to measure your success out of the crisis.
         Here are a few "Typical Performance Indicators":
  • Percent increase in trust scores
  • Percent of coverage containing key messages
  • Share of desirable versus undesirable coverage       

5. Select a Measurement Tool:
  • When measuring your crisis, you have to choose the most appropriate tool according to your situation. There are a variety of tools to measure a crisis.
         Here are a few:
  • Surveys
  • Focus Groups
  • Before-and-After Polls
  • Content Analysis
          Remember that good measurement can shorten the length of a crisis.

6. Analyze Results, Glean Insights, and Make Actionable Recommendations:
  • This step is one of the most crucial steps of measuring a crisis. Basically, in this step you are figuring out what your results mean. You need to figure out what needs to be changed and improved. Take what happened and translate it to a strategy in order to save your brand and stay away from any more crises.
7. Make Changes and Measure Again:
  • After the crisis has passed, stand by your measurement and your results. Your measurement program will continue to grow and become more respected. Make changes as needed but stand by your results. Measurement should remain ongoing for your brand.

* All of this information is credited towards Katie Paine

After reading, I found that the information provided a smart outlook on how to measure a crisis. I have taken a case study class where we studied different crises that have happened and I found that this information supported what I learned from the class. A crisis is never fun, but it is mindful to have a plan for when a crisis happens. You don't want to be unprepared and end up suffering a huge loss.

One of the steps that Paine mentions that I found especially interesting was the second step referencing how to define your audience. If there has been one thing that I have learned from being a public relations major, it is that you need to know your audience. If you don't know your audience then there is no way you will know how to market your brand. Bummer. I appreciate that Paine puts an emphasis on knowing the type of relationships you have with your audience and how this can help affect a crisis. Your audience is a huge voice for your brand so you want to make sure you maintain good relationships with them.

As I have mentioned before, measurement is important and shouldn't go to the wayside no matter what. If you want your brand to be successful, then you need to have a good measurement strategy in tact.

Explore the world of measurement and keep your brand away from having a crisis. As always, reach for the stars you high societal souls!

Word of the Day: Supererogatory
Definition: Going beyond the requirements of duty.

All the best

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