Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Love is Love

This post is going to have a more serious tone to it due to the events that occurred this past weekend. With June being LGBT awareness month, this couldn't have come at a worse time. With 49 human beings dead and 53 more injured, this is the deadliest mass shooting since 9/11.

The Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting has taken over social media the past few days. People are torn over this tragedy and are doing what they can to support the community of Orlando. Media has been updating the public with new information constantly. Celebrities have also been reaching out via social media to send their condolences. It is amazing how social media can help connect everyone wherever they may be. The one aspect of these events that have been unique is the amount of video footage that has been shown. I have felt such a deep connection with this story because of the personal video footage. Videos can tell a story with strong conviction. The personal accounts of the shooting that I have listened to and read about have been full of raw emotion. That is what makes this story devastating. You can't do anything but feel for the people who lost their loved ones.

Here are two videos that I found on the subject matter:



As I continue to receive updates about the shooting, the news becomes even more upsetting. Specifically, I watched a video that was the Snapchat of one of the victims. She was snapping the whole night in the nightclub and continued to record a video of herself as the shooting was taking place. People always say there are sights you can't "unsee" and sounds you can't "unhear". Well, this video is something I will never forget. The sound of the gunshots in the video will be pierced in my brain forever. The sight of the girl just sitting there drenched in tears and having to be silent is not a sight I ever want to see again.

These videos and accounts are storming social media. It has also been mentioned that there will also be stories dedicated to each victim killed during the shooting. The power of telling a story is something that will never go away. Thankfully, we will be able to commemorate the lives of the fallen through these stories instead of turning this event into a political debate. That's the problem. Everyone wants to sit here and argue about the situation rather than focusing on what really matters. These were real life human beings who still had so much ahead of them.

This past weekend I went to the Detroit Pride festival with my boyfriend. It was full of fun loving people all in one place celebrating the same thing. What a feeling. But after hearing about the shooting the day after just made me appreciate that something similar didn't happen where my boyfriend and I were at, especially after hearing that there was an attempt made to kill several at the LA Pride festival. I mean what is this world coming to? Why is there so much hate across the nation? Why do people have to worry about their safety on a daily basis because of who they are? I do not know the answers to these questions but I do know that something has to change. We can't keep letting these same horrific events occur time after time. It is time to change the script instead of letting it remain the same.

Although this weekend has brought immense sadness and grief, we have to raise our spirits. If we let ourselves sulk, then hate wins. We have to step up and fight for what's right and come together so that love wins instead. I'm finding there is no good way to end this post so I'll just leave you with this. Love is love is love is love is love.

Keep your heads up and remember to love one another no matter what. Reach for the stars you high societal souls!

Information Source: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/12/us/orlando-nightclub-shooting/

Word of the Day: Vexillology
Definition: The study of flags.

All the best

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